

Normally you wold discuss how to use the Kedro project here, i.e. the spaceflights code and/or model. However let's use it to highlight how to use the documentation system.

Run a local server

Assuming you have installed all prerequisites, you can now run a local test server:

mkdocs serve

It will collect the documentation and serve them up to a local host:

(docs-prototype-py3.10) PS C:\code\kedro\docs_prototype\spaceflights> mkdocs serve
INFO     -  Building documentation...
INFO     -  Cleaning site directory
INFO     -  Documentation built in 0.95 seconds
INFO     -  [16:15:17] Watching paths for changes: 'docs', 'mkdocs.yml', ''
INFO     -  [16:15:17] Serving on

Open a browser and point to and you should see the documentation website.

This page will auto-reload on any changes, so try modifying any of the .md files in the /docs folder and on save it will be reflected on the site. This is a fast and easy workflow to get all manual docs written and check the automatically generated ones look correct.

Deploy docs manually

Once happy with the documentation you can build the site manually using:

mkdocs build

It will create a static site in the subfolder /site. Use your ftp client or other tool to upload to your hosting platform.

Deploy automatically using github workflows

For this project a github workflow has been added (see /.github/workflows/ci.yml). It will automatically build the documentation and deploy to the gh-pages branch so will be visible at <username><repository>.

Changing the theme

mkdocs comes with the excellent readthedocs theme and this is running here by default. You can switch to the material theme by changing the theme entry in mkdocs.yml to material:


theme: material


More help

Have a look at the excellent mkdocs website for more help. Hopefully this shold get you started.